Our employees with their skills, experience and personalities are the key to a functioning clearing center. We are a service provider and know that the aspect of communication and the proximity to our business partners are crucial in order to successfully implement operational requirements and strategic goals.
Five colleagues, at two locations, take care of customer service, network trade and industry as NTG connect GmbH.
You are very welcome as a new customer at our location in Cologne. We will be happy to inform you about our services and put together the right service package with you.
Furthermore, we are your direct contacts for all questions regarding the subject EDI. Regardless of whether you use our WebEDI solution or are active with NTG via ClassicEDI, we will be pleased to answer your questions and provide support.
When it comes to article data and media files, you are in good hands with us at our location in Osnabrück. We are pleased to answer your questions and provide support.
Thomas von Wulfen
Email: thomas.vonwulfen(at)ntg-connect.com
Telephone: +49 (0)179 / 61 58 708
Bianca Reindl (Procuration)
Head of EDI and Business Development
Email: bianca.reindl(at)ntg-connect.com
Telephone: +49 (0)2203 / 290 134 - 1
Pascal Heemann
Head of Data Quality
Email: pascal.heemann(at)ntg-connect.com
Telephone: +49 (0)541 / 6734 - 3437
Hendrik Ulisch
Data Quality Manager
Email: hendrik.ulisch(at)ntg-connect.com
Telephone: +49 (0)541 / 6734 - 2383
Björn Flachmann
Data Quality Manager
Email: bjoern.flachmann(at)ntg-connect.com
Telephone: +49 (0)541 / 6734 - 2466