EDI - Electronic Data Interchange

EDI services for industry partners and suppliers

When business partners decide to exchange EDI documents they have to agree on an EDI standard, the corresponding version and the content.
As NTG connect GmbH we offer our industrial partners:

This means the electronic exchange of data via our
  • standard interfaces EDIFACT D.96A / D.01B
  • or via an individual connection

You work directly from your WWS / ERP system. The receipt and/or transmission of business documents is fully automated, e.g. via AS2 or (s)FTP.

This means the use of our platform. Orders are received manually. Follow-up documents such as
  • Order confirmations
  • Delivery notes
  • Invoices
  • Returns notifications

are manually generated on the basis of the orders via forms and transmitted to the trading partners. This enables you to receive or send electronic receipts quickly and easily.

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