EDI services for trading partners
When business partners decide to exchange EDI documents, they have to agree on an EDI standard, the related version and the content.
As NTG connect GmbH, we offer our trading partners an individual electronic connection. This means that you are independent of the systems, formats and transmission paths used by your business partners.
The most common EDI documents are:
- ORDERS (orders)
- ORDCHG (order modifications)
- ORDRSP (order confirmations)
- DESADV (delivery note)
- INVOIC (invoice)
- INVOIC381 (credit note)
- INVOIC083 (value credit note)
- INVOIC084 (value debit)
- RETANN (return notification)
- INVRPT (stock report; from supplier to trader - and from trader to supplier)
- SLSRPT (sales data; from trader to supplier)